Click on the process step images below to see the details of each process step.

Step 1: Create a Vision Statement
The first step in the process is to create a vision statement with your partners. Developing the vision statement together can be an inspiring and rewarding process. The vision statement will help partners to remain focused on the outcomes and will guide future decisions.
- Who is our target population?
- What benefits will they realize over the project three-year period?
- What benefits/changes to the target population can be achieved by working collectively?
TEMPLATE PATTERN: (population, benefits, outcomes): By Partnering together over the next three years we will achieve _______ (benefits) for ________(whom).
EXAMPLE: By partnering together with a unified message over the next three years, we will achieve increased CRC screening rates and decrease late-stage diagnoses that will result in improved health for residents of Omega County!
YOUR STATEMENT: (population, benefits, outcomes)

Step 2: Identify and Discuss the Relevant Data
The second step in the process is to gather and analyze data relevant to the issue in focus. The data may provide clear messages, or the lack of key data measures may suggest new data that must be collected. Ideally, the data will provide enough information to form hypotheses about possible interventions that can improve the measurable data numbers.
- What is your data telling you?
- What do the numbers tell you about an issue/concern that needs to be addressed?
- Is there a priority among multiple issues that are identified?
- What are your theories about what are you seeing?
- Do you have thoughts about what you see in the data?
- What is your hypothesis?